The Church of Christ in China,Kwong Fuk Church Limited - Life enrichment for people with learning disability
The Church of Christ in China,Kwong Fuk Church Limited - Life enrichment for people with learning disability
The Church of Christ in China,Kwong Fuk Church Limited - Life enrichment for people with learning disability
The Church of Christ in China,Kwong Fuk Church Limited - Life enrichment for people with learning disability
Saint Barnabas' Society and Home 'For your eyes only (Eye Project forstreetsleepers and the poor elderly)' and 'For your oral health only (Dental Project for streetsleepers and the poor elderly)’
Saint Barnabas' Society and Home – ‘For your eyes only (Eye Project for streetsleepers and the poor elderly)’ and ‘For your oral health only (Dental Project for streetsleepers and the poor elderly)’
Saint Barnabas' Society and Home – ‘For your eyes only (Eye Project for streetsleepers and the poor elderly)’ and ‘For your oral health only (Dental Project for streetsleepers and the poor elderly)’
Saint Barnabas' Society and Home – ‘For your eyes only (Eye Project for streetsleepers and the poor elderly)’ and ‘For your oral health only (Dental Project for streetsleepers and the poor elderly)’
Saint Barnabas' Society and Home – ‘For your eyes only (Eye Project for streetsleepers and the poor elderly)’ and ‘For your oral health only (Dental Project for streetsleepers and the poor elderly)’
Saint Barnabas' Society and Home – ‘For your eyes only (Eye Project for streetsleepers and the poor elderly)’ and ‘For your oral health only (Dental Project for streetsleepers and the poor elderly) ’
CBN Hong Kong Limited – ‘My last words’ and ‘100 Day Dreams’
CBN Hong Kong Limited – ‘My last words’ and ‘100 Day Dreams’
CBN Hong Kong Limited – ‘My last words’ and ‘100 Day Dreams’
Habitat for Humanity Hong Kong - Project Home Works
Habitat for Humanity Hong Kong - Project Home Works
Habitat for Humanity Hong Kong - Project Home Works