25th Anniversary Thanksgiving Worship cum Projects Sharing

25th Anniversary Thanksgiving Worship cum Projects Sharing of CWM/Nethersole Fund was held on 19 September 2022 at St. John’s Cathedral, Hong Kong

Group Photo of Trustees of the Fund and Officiating Parties of Thanksgiving Worship

Guest autographed

Guest autographed

Mr. Chow Kun Chee Roland, Chairman of the Fund autographed

Progression of Trustees of the Fund and Officiating Parties in the Worship

Progression of Trustees of the Fund and Officiating Parties in the Worship

Rev. Chan Chi Kin, Trustee of the Fund, was the Presider of the Worship

Trustees and Officiating Parties of Thanksgiving Worship

Trustees and Officiating Parties of Thanksgiving Worship

Trustees and Officiating Parties of Thanksgiving Worship

A speech was delivered by Mr. Chow Kun Chee Roland, Chairman of the Fund

Bishop Rev. Chang Chun Wa Ben, former Trustee of the Fund, led the Responsive Prayer in the Worship

Dr. Fung Siu Hung Simon, Trustee of the Fund, said the Thanksgiving Prayer in the Worship

Hymn Singing

Mr. Li Kwok Heem John, Trustee of the Fund, read the Bible scriptures in the Worship

The Rt. Rev. Dr. Soo Yee Po Thomas, Honorary Advisor of the Fund, was invited to deliver a sermon in the Worship

The Rt. Rev. Dr. Soo Yee Po Thomas, Honorary Advisor of the Fund, was invited to deliver a sermon in the Worship

Hymn Singing

The Very Revd. Chan Kwok Keung, Trustee of the Fund, was one of the officiating guest in the Worship

Rev. Dr. So Shing Yit Eric, Trustee of the Fund, said the benediction in the Worship

More than 170 guests attended the Thanksgiving Worship

Group Photo of Trustees of the Fund, Honorary Advisor of the Fund and Honorary Consultant of Finance Committee

Group Photo of Trustees of the Fund, Honorary Advisor of the Fund, Honorary Consultant of Finance Committee and officiating parties of Thanksgiving Worship

Group Photo of Trustees of the Fund, Honorary Advisor of the Fund, Honorary Consultant of Finance Committee, officiating parties of Thanksgiving Worship and the former Trustees

Group Photo of Trustees of the Fund, Honorary Advisor of the Fund, Honorary Consultant of Finance Committee, officiating parties of Thanksgiving Worship, former Trustees and representatives of appointing agencies

Hybrid Mode (physical and online) of Thanksgiving Worship cum Projects Sharing

Miss Amy Chow and Miss Alva Ip, internship students from Breakthrough Ltd. were invited to be the Masters of Projects Sharing Session

Rev. Dr. Jooseop Keum, General Secretary of Council for World Mission, shared its global missionary work through a pre-recording video

Rev. Wu Wei, President of China Christian Council, shared the Mainland projects through a pre-recording video

Ms. Ling Chun Xiang, General Secretary of Amity Foundation, shared the Mainland projects through a pre-recording video

Mr. Anthony Tong, Executive General Secretary of Amity Foundation (Hong Kong), delivered the congratulatory message to the Fund, on behalf of Amity Foundation

Ms. Yvonne Yip, Administrative Secretary of Christian Fellowship of Pastoral Care for Youth Ltd., was invited to share the project on the stage

Ms. Tammy Li, Interim Executive Director of St. Barnabas’ Society and House, was invited to share the project on the stage

Mr. Chow Kun Chee Roland, Chairman of the Fund, presented the prize to Po Leung Kuk Yao Ling Sun College, the Champion of the “Short Video Competition among Local Secondary Schools Students”

Mr. Chow Kun Chee Roland, Chairman of the Fund, presented the prize to Jockey Club Ti-I College, the 1st Runner-up of the “Short Video Competition among Local Secondary Schools Students”

Rev. Dr. So Shing Yit Eric, Trustee of the Fund and Chairman of Judge Panel presented the prize to ELCHK Lutheran Academy, the 2nd Runner-up of the “Short Video Competition among Local Secondary Schools Students”

Rev. Dr. So Shing Yit Eric, Trustee of the Fund and Chairman of Judge Panel presented the prize to Pope Paul VI College, the 2nd Runner-up of the “Short Video Competition among Local Secondary Schools Students”

Rev. Dr. So Shing Yit Eric, Trustee of the Fund and Chairman of Judge Panel presented the prize to Caritas Ma On Shan Secondary School, the winner of Online Most Popular Short Video Award of the “Short Video Competition among Local Secondary Schools Students”

A vote of thanks was delivered by Mr. Mok Yu Sang Wilson, Trustee of the Fund and Chairman of Working Group of 25th Anniversary Celebration

Mr. Mok Yu Sang Wilson, Trustee of the Fund and Chairman of Working Group of 25th Anniversary Celebration, presented a souvenir to the representative of the partner organization with project sharing on the stage

Mr. Mok Yu Sang Wilson, Trustee of the Fund and Chairman of Working Group of 25th Anniversary Celebration, presented a souvenir to the representative of the partner organization with project sharing on the stage

Mr. Mok Yu Sang Wilson, Trustee of the Fund and Chairman of Working Group of 25th Anniversary Celebration, presented a souvenir to the representative of the partner organization with project sharing on the stage

The Very Revd. Chan Kwok Keung, Trustee of the Fund, presented a souvenir to the representative of the partner organization with project sharing in the Fund Corporate Video

The Very Revd. Chan Kwok Keung, Trustee of the Fund, presented a souvenir to the representative of the partner organization with project sharing in the Fund Corporate Video

The Very Revd. Chan Kwok Keung, Trustee of the Fund, presented a souvenir to the representative of the partner organization with project sharing in the Fund Corporate Video

The Very Revd. Chan Kwok Keung, Trustee of the Fund, presented a souvenir to the representative of the partner organization, CBN (Hong Kong) for their support in the production of the Fund Corporate Video

The Very Revd. Chan Kwok Keung, Trustee of the Fund, presented a souvenir to the representative of the partner organization, for the meaningful painting for 25th anniversary tote bag

Dr. Yick Kar Lim, Trustee of the Fund, presented a souvenir to Mr. Peter Yue, the organist of the Thanksgiving Worship

Ms. Tam Kit Yin Barbie, Board Secretary & Project Manager of the Fund, invited Trustee to present souvenirs to the Masters of the Projects Sharing Session

Dr. Yick Kar Lim, Trustee of the Fund, presented a souvenir to the representative of Breakthrough Ltd., for inviting the Masters for the Projects Sharing Session

Dr. Yick Kar Lim, Trustee of the Fund, presented souvenirs to the Masters of the Projects Sharing Session

Group photo for Projects Sharing session

Guest autographed

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