25th Anniversary Thanksgiving Worship cum Projects Sharing
世界傳道會那打素基金 25週年 副本 (800 × 600 像素) (2)
1. 世界傳道會那打素基金25週年感恩崇拜暨夥伴計劃分享會於2022年9月19日在聖約翰座堂舉行
2. 基金信託人及崇拜主禮人大合照
3. 來賓提名留念
4. 來賓提名留念
5. 基金主席周近智律師提名留念
7. 基金信託人及崇拜主禮人進場
6. 基金信託人及崇拜主禮人進場
8. 基金信託人陳志堅牧師為崇拜作領會
9. 基金信託人及崇拜主禮人
10. 基金信託人及崇拜主禮人
11. 基金信託人及崇拜主禮人
12. 基金主席周近智律師致辭
13. 基金前信託人張振華監督主領啟龐禱文
14. 基金信託人馮少雄博士主領感恩祈禱
15. 齊聲高唱,讚頌上主
16. 基金信託人李國謙先生讀經
17. 基金名譽顧問蘇以葆主教擔任崇拜講員
18. 基金名譽顧問蘇以葆主教擔任崇拜講員
19. 齊聲高唱,讚頌上主
20. 基金信徒人陳國強牧師擔任崇拜主禮
21. 基金信託人蘇成溢牧師在崇拜尾聲獻上祝福
22. 超過170位來賓參與感恩崇拜
23. 基金信託人及名譽顧問大合照
24. 基金信託人、名譽顧問及崇拜主禮人大合照
25. 基金信託人、名譽顧問、崇拜主禮人及前信託人大合照
26. 基金信託人、名譽顧問、崇拜主禮人、前信託人及組成機構代表大合照
27. 感恩崇拜暨夥伴計劃分享會設網上同步直播
29. 世界傳道會總幹事琴周燮牧師透過短片分享事工近況
30. 內地夥伴機構中國基督教協會會長吳巍牧師透過短片分享該會計劃成果
31. 內地夥伴機構愛德基金會秘書長凌春香女士透過短片分享該會計劃事工及成果
32. 愛德基金會(香港)執行總幹事湯啟康先生代表愛德基金會親身分享
33. 本地夥伴機構分享 基督教青少年牧養團契有限公司行政幹事葉芳姑娘
34. 本地夥伴機構分享 聖巴拿巴會之家署理總幹事李淑娟姑娘
35. 基金主席周近智律師頒發「全港中學生短片創作比賽」冠軍獎項予保良局姚連生中學團隊
36. 基金主席周近智律師頒發「全港中學生短片創作比賽」亞軍獎項予賽馬會體藝中學學生
37. 基金信託人及比賽評判團主席蘇成溢牧師頒發「全港中學生短片創作比賽」季軍獎項予基督教香港信義會宏信書院團隊
38. 基金信託人及比賽評判團主席蘇成溢牧師頒發「全港中學生短片創作比賽」季軍獎項予保祿六世書院團隊
39. 基金信託人及比賽評判團主席蘇成溢牧師頒發「全港中學生短片創作比賽」「網上最受歡迎短片獎」獎項予明愛馬鞍山中學學生
40. 由基金信託人及廿五週年慶典活動籌備委員會主席莫裕生先生致謝辭
41. 基金信託人及廿五週年慶典活動籌備委員會主席莫裕生先生致送紀念品予台上分享的夥伴機構代表
42. 基金信託人及廿五週年慶典活動籌備委員會主席莫裕生先生致送紀念品予台上分享的夥伴機構代表
43. 基金信託人及廿五週年慶典活動籌備委員會主席莫裕生先生致送紀念品予台上分享的夥伴機構代表
44. 由基金信託人陳國強牧師致送紀念品予在基金服務短片分享的夥伴機構
45. 由基金信託人陳國強牧師致送紀念品予在基金服務短片分享的夥伴機構
46. 由基金信託人陳國強牧師致送紀念品予在基金服務短片分享的夥伴機構
48. 由基金信託人陳國強牧師致送紀念品予協助製作基金服務短片的夥伴機構視博恩(香港)有限公司
47. 由基金信託人陳國強牧師致送紀念品予為慶典環保袋提供畫作的夥伴機構代表
49. 由基金信託人易嘉濂博士致送紀念品予擔任崇拜司琴的管風琴家余必達先生
50. 基金董事局秘書及資助項目經理譚潔賢女士請基金信託人向分享會司儀致送紀念品
51. 由基金信託人易嘉濂博士致送紀念品予「突破機構」協助邀請及聯絡計劃實習生擔任分享會司儀
52. 由基金信託人易嘉濂博士致送紀念品予分享會司儀
53. 夥伴計劃分享會全體大合照
54. 來賓簽名留念
1. 世界傳道會那打素基金25週年感恩崇拜暨夥伴計劃分享會於2022年9月19日在聖約翰座堂舉行
25th Anniversary Thanksgiving Worship cum Projects Sharing of CWM/Nethersole Fund was held on 19 September 2022 at St. John’s Cathedral, Hong Kong
2. 基金信託人及崇拜主禮人大合照
Group Photo of Trustees of the Fund and Officiating Parties of Thanksgiving Worship
3. 來賓提名留念
Guest autographed
4. 來賓提名留念
Guest autographed
5. 基金主席周近智律師提名留念
Mr. Chow Kun Chee Roland, Chairman of the Fund autographed
7. 基金信託人及崇拜主禮人進場
Progression of Trustees of the Fund and Officiating Parties in the Worship
6. 基金信託人及崇拜主禮人進場
Progression of Trustees of the Fund and Officiating Parties in the Worship
8. 基金信託人陳志堅牧師為崇拜作領會
Rev. Chan Chi Kin, Trustee of the Fund, was the Presider of the Worship
9. 基金信託人及崇拜主禮人
Trustees and Officiating Parties of Thanksgiving Worship
10. 基金信託人及崇拜主禮人
Trustees and Officiating Parties of Thanksgiving Worship
11. 基金信託人及崇拜主禮人
Trustees and Officiating Parties of Thanksgiving Worship
12. 基金主席周近智律師致辭
A speech was delivered by Mr. Chow Kun Chee Roland, Chairman of the Fund
13. 基金前信託人張振華監督主領啟龐禱文
Bishop Rev. Chang Chun Wa Ben, former Trustee of the Fund, led the Responsive Prayer in the Worship
14. 基金信託人馮少雄博士主領感恩祈禱
Dr. Fung Siu Hung Simon, Trustee of the Fund, said the Thanksgiving Prayer in the Worship
15. 齊聲高唱,讚頌上主
Hymn Singing
16. 基金信託人李國謙先生讀經
Mr. Li Kwok Heem John, Trustee of the Fund, read the Bible scriptures in the Worship
17. 基金名譽顧問蘇以葆主教擔任崇拜講員
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Soo Yee Po Thomas, Honorary Advisor of the Fund, was invited to deliver a sermon in the Worship
18. 基金名譽顧問蘇以葆主教擔任崇拜講員
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Soo Yee Po Thomas, Honorary Advisor of the Fund, was invited to deliver a sermon in the Worship
19. 齊聲高唱,讚頌上主
Hymn Singing
20. 基金信徒人陳國強牧師擔任崇拜主禮
The Very Revd. Chan Kwok Keung, Trustee of the Fund, was one of the officiating guest in the Worship
21. 基金信託人蘇成溢牧師在崇拜尾聲獻上祝福
Rev. Dr. So Shing Yit Eric, Trustee of the Fund, said the benediction in the Worship
22. 超過170位來賓參與感恩崇拜
More than 170 guests attended the Thanksgiving Worship
23. 基金信託人及名譽顧問大合照
Group Photo of Trustees of the Fund, Honorary Advisor of the Fund and Honorary Consultant of Finance Committee
24. 基金信託人、名譽顧問及崇拜主禮人大合照
Group Photo of Trustees of the Fund, Honorary Advisor of the Fund, Honorary Consultant of Finance Committee and officiating parties of Thanksgiving Worship
25. 基金信託人、名譽顧問、崇拜主禮人及前信託人大合照
Group Photo of Trustees of the Fund, Honorary Advisor of the Fund, Honorary Consultant of Finance Committee, officiating parties of Thanksgiving Worship and the former Trustees
26. 基金信託人、名譽顧問、崇拜主禮人、前信託人及組成機構代表大合照
Group Photo of Trustees of the Fund, Honorary Advisor of the Fund, Honorary Consultant of Finance Committee, officiating parties of Thanksgiving Worship, former Trustees and representatives of appointing agencies
27. 感恩崇拜暨夥伴計劃分享會設網上同步直播
Hybrid Mode (physical and online) of Thanksgiving Worship cum Projects Sharing
Miss Amy Chow and Miss Alva Ip, internship students from Breakthrough Ltd. were invited to be the Masters of Projects Sharing Session
29. 世界傳道會總幹事琴周燮牧師透過短片分享事工近況
Rev. Dr. Jooseop Keum, General Secretary of Council for World Mission, shared its global missionary work through a pre-recording video
30. 內地夥伴機構中國基督教協會會長吳巍牧師透過短片分享該會計劃成果
Rev. Wu Wei, President of China Christian Council, shared the Mainland projects through a pre-recording video
31. 內地夥伴機構愛德基金會秘書長凌春香女士透過短片分享該會計劃事工及成果
Ms. Ling Chun Xiang, General Secretary of Amity Foundation, shared the Mainland projects through a pre-recording video
32. 愛德基金會(香港)執行總幹事湯啟康先生代表愛德基金會親身分享
Mr. Anthony Tong, Executive General Secretary of Amity Foundation (Hong Kong), delivered the congratulatory message to the Fund, on behalf of Amity Foundation
33. 本地夥伴機構分享 基督教青少年牧養團契有限公司行政幹事葉芳姑娘
Ms. Yvonne Yip, Administrative Secretary of Christian Fellowship of Pastoral Care for Youth Ltd., was invited to share the project on the stage
34. 本地夥伴機構分享 聖巴拿巴會之家署理總幹事李淑娟姑娘
Ms. Tammy Li, Interim Executive Director of St. Barnabas’ Society and House, was invited to share the project on the stage
35. 基金主席周近智律師頒發「全港中學生短片創作比賽」冠軍獎項予保良局姚連生中學團隊
Mr. Chow Kun Chee Roland, Chairman of the Fund, presented the prize to Po Leung Kuk Yao Ling Sun College, the Champion of the “Short Video Competition among Local Secondary Schools Students”
36. 基金主席周近智律師頒發「全港中學生短片創作比賽」亞軍獎項予賽馬會體藝中學學生
Mr. Chow Kun Chee Roland, Chairman of the Fund, presented the prize to Jockey Club Ti-I College, the 1st Runner-up of the “Short Video Competition among Local Secondary Schools Students”
37. 基金信託人及比賽評判團主席蘇成溢牧師頒發「全港中學生短片創作比賽」季軍獎項予基督教香港信義會宏信書院團隊
Rev. Dr. So Shing Yit Eric, Trustee of the Fund and Chairman of Judge Panel presented the prize to ELCHK Lutheran Academy, the 2nd Runner-up of the “Short Video Competition among Local Secondary Schools Students”
38. 基金信託人及比賽評判團主席蘇成溢牧師頒發「全港中學生短片創作比賽」季軍獎項予保祿六世書院團隊
Rev. Dr. So Shing Yit Eric, Trustee of the Fund and Chairman of Judge Panel presented the prize to Pope Paul VI College, the 2nd Runner-up of the “Short Video Competition among Local Secondary Schools Students”
39. 基金信託人及比賽評判團主席蘇成溢牧師頒發「全港中學生短片創作比賽」「網上最受歡迎短片獎」獎項予明愛馬鞍山中學學生
Rev. Dr. So Shing Yit Eric, Trustee of the Fund and Chairman of Judge Panel presented the prize to Caritas Ma On Shan Secondary School, the winner of Online Most Popular Short Video Award of the “Short Video Competition among Local Secondary Schools Students”
40. 由基金信託人及廿五週年慶典活動籌備委員會主席莫裕生先生致謝辭
A vote of thanks was delivered by Mr. Mok Yu Sang Wilson, Trustee of the Fund and Chairman of Working Group of 25th Anniversary Celebration
41. 基金信託人及廿五週年慶典活動籌備委員會主席莫裕生先生致送紀念品予台上分享的夥伴機構代表
Mr. Mok Yu Sang Wilson, Trustee of the Fund and Chairman of Working Group of 25th Anniversary Celebration, presented a souvenir to the representative of the partner organization with project sharing on the stage
42. 基金信託人及廿五週年慶典活動籌備委員會主席莫裕生先生致送紀念品予台上分享的夥伴機構代表
Mr. Mok Yu Sang Wilson, Trustee of the Fund and Chairman of Working Group of 25th Anniversary Celebration, presented a souvenir to the representative of the partner organization with project sharing on the stage
43. 基金信託人及廿五週年慶典活動籌備委員會主席莫裕生先生致送紀念品予台上分享的夥伴機構代表
Mr. Mok Yu Sang Wilson, Trustee of the Fund and Chairman of Working Group of 25th Anniversary Celebration, presented a souvenir to the representative of the partner organization with project sharing on the stage
44. 由基金信託人陳國強牧師致送紀念品予在基金服務短片分享的夥伴機構
The Very Revd. Chan Kwok Keung, Trustee of the Fund, presented a souvenir to the representative of the partner organization with project sharing in the Fund Corporate Video
45. 由基金信託人陳國強牧師致送紀念品予在基金服務短片分享的夥伴機構
The Very Revd. Chan Kwok Keung, Trustee of the Fund, presented a souvenir to the representative of the partner organization with project sharing in the Fund Corporate Video
46. 由基金信託人陳國強牧師致送紀念品予在基金服務短片分享的夥伴機構
The Very Revd. Chan Kwok Keung, Trustee of the Fund, presented a souvenir to the representative of the partner organization with project sharing in the Fund Corporate Video
48. 由基金信託人陳國強牧師致送紀念品予協助製作基金服務短片的夥伴機構視博恩(香港)有限公司
The Very Revd. Chan Kwok Keung, Trustee of the Fund, presented a souvenir to the representative of the partner organization, CBN (Hong Kong) for their support in the production of the Fund Corporate Video
47. 由基金信託人陳國強牧師致送紀念品予為慶典環保袋提供畫作的夥伴機構代表
The Very Revd. Chan Kwok Keung, Trustee of the Fund, presented a souvenir to the representative of the partner organization, for the meaningful painting for 25th anniversary tote bag
49. 由基金信託人易嘉濂博士致送紀念品予擔任崇拜司琴的管風琴家余必達先生
Dr. Yick Kar Lim, Trustee of the Fund, presented a souvenir to Mr. Peter Yue, the organist of the Thanksgiving Worship
50. 基金董事局秘書及資助項目經理譚潔賢女士請基金信託人向分享會司儀致送紀念品
Ms. Tam Kit Yin Barbie, Board Secretary & Project Manager of the Fund, invited Trustee to present souvenirs to the Masters of the Projects Sharing Session
51. 由基金信託人易嘉濂博士致送紀念品予「突破機構」協助邀請及聯絡計劃實習生擔任分享會司儀
Dr. Yick Kar Lim, Trustee of the Fund, presented a souvenir to the representative of Breakthrough Ltd., for inviting the Masters for the Projects Sharing Session
52. 由基金信託人易嘉濂博士致送紀念品予分享會司儀
Dr. Yick Kar Lim, Trustee of the Fund, presented souvenirs to the Masters of the Projects Sharing Session
53. 夥伴計劃分享會全體大合照
Group photo for Projects Sharing session
54. 來賓簽名留念
Guest autographed
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世界傳道會那打素基金 25週年 副本 (800 × 600 像素) (2)
1. 世界傳道會那打素基金25週年感恩崇拜暨夥伴計劃分享會於2022年9月19日在聖約翰座堂舉行
2. 基金信託人及崇拜主禮人大合照
3. 來賓提名留念
4. 來賓提名留念
5. 基金主席周近智律師提名留念
7. 基金信託人及崇拜主禮人進場
6. 基金信託人及崇拜主禮人進場
8. 基金信託人陳志堅牧師為崇拜作領會
9. 基金信託人及崇拜主禮人
10. 基金信託人及崇拜主禮人
11. 基金信託人及崇拜主禮人
12. 基金主席周近智律師致辭
13. 基金前信託人張振華監督主領啟龐禱文
14. 基金信託人馮少雄博士主領感恩祈禱
15. 齊聲高唱,讚頌上主
16. 基金信託人李國謙先生讀經
17. 基金名譽顧問蘇以葆主教擔任崇拜講員
18. 基金名譽顧問蘇以葆主教擔任崇拜講員
19. 齊聲高唱,讚頌上主
20. 基金信徒人陳國強牧師擔任崇拜主禮
21. 基金信託人蘇成溢牧師在崇拜尾聲獻上祝福
22. 超過170位來賓參與感恩崇拜
23. 基金信託人及名譽顧問大合照
24. 基金信託人、名譽顧問及崇拜主禮人大合照
25. 基金信託人、名譽顧問、崇拜主禮人及前信託人大合照
26. 基金信託人、名譽顧問、崇拜主禮人、前信託人及組成機構代表大合照
27. 感恩崇拜暨夥伴計劃分享會設網上同步直播
29. 世界傳道會總幹事琴周燮牧師透過短片分享事工近況
30. 內地夥伴機構中國基督教協會會長吳巍牧師透過短片分享該會計劃成果
31. 內地夥伴機構愛德基金會秘書長凌春香女士透過短片分享該會計劃事工及成果
32. 愛德基金會(香港)執行總幹事湯啟康先生代表愛德基金會親身分享
33. 本地夥伴機構分享 基督教青少年牧養團契有限公司行政幹事葉芳姑娘
34. 本地夥伴機構分享 聖巴拿巴會之家署理總幹事李淑娟姑娘
35. 基金主席周近智律師頒發「全港中學生短片創作比賽」冠軍獎項予保良局姚連生中學團隊
36. 基金主席周近智律師頒發「全港中學生短片創作比賽」亞軍獎項予賽馬會體藝中學學生
37. 基金信託人及比賽評判團主席蘇成溢牧師頒發「全港中學生短片創作比賽」季軍獎項予基督教香港信義會宏信書院團隊
38. 基金信託人及比賽評判團主席蘇成溢牧師頒發「全港中學生短片創作比賽」季軍獎項予保祿六世書院團隊
39. 基金信託人及比賽評判團主席蘇成溢牧師頒發「全港中學生短片創作比賽」「網上最受歡迎短片獎」獎項予明愛馬鞍山中學學生
40. 由基金信託人及廿五週年慶典活動籌備委員會主席莫裕生先生致謝辭
41. 基金信託人及廿五週年慶典活動籌備委員會主席莫裕生先生致送紀念品予台上分享的夥伴機構代表
42. 基金信託人及廿五週年慶典活動籌備委員會主席莫裕生先生致送紀念品予台上分享的夥伴機構代表
43. 基金信託人及廿五週年慶典活動籌備委員會主席莫裕生先生致送紀念品予台上分享的夥伴機構代表
44. 由基金信託人陳國強牧師致送紀念品予在基金服務短片分享的夥伴機構
45. 由基金信託人陳國強牧師致送紀念品予在基金服務短片分享的夥伴機構
46. 由基金信託人陳國強牧師致送紀念品予在基金服務短片分享的夥伴機構
48. 由基金信託人陳國強牧師致送紀念品予協助製作基金服務短片的夥伴機構視博恩(香港)有限公司
47. 由基金信託人陳國強牧師致送紀念品予為慶典環保袋提供畫作的夥伴機構代表
49. 由基金信託人易嘉濂博士致送紀念品予擔任崇拜司琴的管風琴家余必達先生
50. 基金董事局秘書及資助項目經理譚潔賢女士請基金信託人向分享會司儀致送紀念品
51. 由基金信託人易嘉濂博士致送紀念品予「突破機構」協助邀請及聯絡計劃實習生擔任分享會司儀
52. 由基金信託人易嘉濂博士致送紀念品予分享會司儀
53. 夥伴計劃分享會全體大合照
54. 來賓簽名留念